New procedure: Thesis upload to Uniweb

Please pay attention to the following:

  • The thesis uploaded to MOODLE (only if you are a Bachelor's graduating student) and UNIWEB must be the same and it must be the FINAL VERSION;
  • The uploaded file must be in PDF/A format (please reade more about this below);
  • The file must be named SURNAME_NAME;
  • The field "Name of the file" must also be named SURNAME_NAME;
  • DEADLINES are mandatory (see the guidelines published here);
  • Make sure your supervisor has approved the thesis. The deadline for approval is the same day for upload;
  • If the supervisor REFUSES or DOES NOT APPROVE the thesis and the deadline for approval has expired, the candidate is automatically EXCLUDED from the graduation session.

Practical tips:

  • DO NOT WAIT until the last day to upload the thesis. Any replacement of the attachment is only possible within the deadline
  • Upload the thesis to MOODLE (only for Bachelor) and UNIWEB on the same day to avoid uploading different versions
  • Click here for instructions on how to save a document in PDF/A (an Italian version is available here


Instructions are available in italian here.

Click here to go back to the "Graduation" section.


The new thesis upload to Uniweb procedure was first introduced for the Bachelor's Degree Programmes, starting from the July 2020 graduation session. From the September 2020 graduation session, the procedure is also available for the Master's Degree Programmes.