Switching to the New University System

Nuovo Ordinamento (New University Regulation): things you need to know

For an overview of the Nuovo Ordinamento of the single cycle degree programme in Veterinary Medicine (DPVM), click here.

Implementation of the DPVM’s Nuovo Ordinamento

In the 2017/2018 academic year, the first three years of the DPVM’s Nuovo Ordinamento will be implemented:

  1. Training activities data sheet (subjects – academic disciplines (SSD) – CFUs)
  2. Training programme following the implementation of the Nuovo Ordinamento

Students who are currently enrolled in the DPVM may ask to switch to the Nuovo Ordinamento so that they can complete their studies under the new educational system.

Who can switch to the Nuovo Ordinamento

Students who, in the academic year 2016/17, are enrolled in their first/second year or are repeating their first year can ask to switch to the Nuovo Ordinamento.

How to do it

From May 17th  to June 30th  2017, each student should complete and submit their transfer application, along with a copy of their ID to the Junior Tutor Office at the School of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine. The office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11am to 1pm.

Transfer application form

Evaluation of students’ previous career for transferring purposes

Exams that were taken under the Vecchio Ordinamento (Old University System) will be automatically converted to the new chosen path as specified in the table below.

Exam conversion table for both the Vecchio and NuovoOrdinamento

Further Information

  1. It is advisable to sit as many exams as possible (with final registration of the whole training activity) prior to September 30th  2017, in order to convert the highest number of training activities.
  2. The student’s transfer to the new system will be formalised starting from October 2017 until the 2018 winter exam session.
  3. Students will not be able to sit exams prior to the 2018 exam winter session.

 Special Cases

  • In order for the student’s previous university career to be recognised, the following document needs to be attached to the transfer application form:

Application form for recognition of training activities not yet acknowledged

  •  Students who are enrolled in years subsequent to the second year and/or are repeating students will be able to submit their transfer application too. A specific committee will assess the student’s career by taking into account the conversion table of the Vecchio Ordinamento and decide the year that they will be enrolled in (­in any case, no later than year 3) with respect to the Nuovo Ordinamento.