General information

There are some general rules that you need to pay attention in order to organise properly your stay at our University (

- Erasmus+ Study students should respects the deadline for application and Learning Agreement: 30th of June for the 1st semester and whole academic year and 15th of November for the 2nd semester. You need to have Vaccination certificate for Tetanus and Hepatitis B. There is a Security test, which is compulsory for all students. You find more information about it in the moodle platform, once you arrive in Padova and will be enrolled as a students.

- Erasmus+ Traineeship students do not have fixed deadlines for application but students have to contact us ca. 3 month before their arrival. Students will not be enrolled at the university of Padova and cannot sit exams during their stay. Please contact the career service: about the necessary documents. (