How to include practical activities in the Learning Agreement (LA) program
Practical activities are both performed inside the University campus (Agripolis –, in concerned laboratories, at the necropsy room, in the University animal farm and in the Veterinary Hospital (including 24h emergency), and outside the campus, with contracted teachers, who are also practitioners in farm animal medicine (equine, porcine and ruminants). The organisational aspects of these practical activities (named ‘Tirocinio’ in Italian language) are quite complex. Therefore, the inclusion of Erasmus incoming students in these activities needs to be scheduled in advance and in accordance with on-going rules. Here after you can find two pre-defined options
Full option (22 ECTS – 6-10 months)
The incoming student (only Erasmus+ study) will be assigned to a group of 4 students for all activities (both inside and outside the campus), and will participate in different practical programmes (List of practical activities), according to the specific calendar which is prepared for each year of study. The incoming student should write to and should specify the period of his presence at University of Padova, in order to assign him to the proper group.
- If mobility period is for the whole year (October-July), the student has to integrate the practical activity with 4-5 theoretical Courses at his choice. We suggest to include the 3 clinical Courses (Clinics in reproduction, Veterinary medical clinic, Veterinary surgery clinic - totally 27 ECTS), since the timetable of these Courses is not overlapping with practical activity.
- Alternatively, the student can integrate with the final research project (List of contact persons)
- If mobility period is for one semester (October-February or March-July) the student can integrate the practical activity with 1-2 theoretical Courses at his choice (possibly among clinical Courses).
Reduced option (3-4 months)
The incoming student (Erasmus+ study or Erasmus+ traineeship) will be assigned to different groups, being integrated as extra-student (totally 5 students), for only some of the practical activities (mostly inside the campus). The student should specify the period of his presence at the University of Padova at the time of his application. The detailed calendar will be sent to the student, possibly one month before arrival:
- Erasmus+ traineeship student come only for clinical rotations. Interested students should write to to inquire on availability at desired period.
- Erasmus+ studio student can integrate the practical activity with 3-4 theoretical Courses at his choice (possibly among clinical Courses). They should write to to assess which activity to include in their LA.