Specific information
There are different options to come to study at the Agripolis Campus of the University of Padova as a Veterinary Medicine Erasmus student:
- Courses: courses in Veterinary Medicine are held in Italian with two exceptions. Please find the list of courses in the official course catalog published on the webpage:
- Practical activities (Erasmus+ study and Erasmus+ traineeship): For practical activities, the students can gain 1 ECTS in 1 week (corresponding to 25 hours of activity). For emergency service nights and weekends we assign 1 ECTS for a week (nights) and 1 ECTS for a weekend. Please see the following section for more detailed information.
- Final research project or Thesis (Erasmus+ study and Erasmus+ traineeship): There is the possibility to carry out research activity for thesis preparation in various vet laboratories. Please contact the professor concerned with the research area where you would like to carry out your final research project, usually named Thesis in the Italian system (List of contact persons).
- Internship in the Veterinary Hospital (Erasmus+ Traineeship): We are able to accept up to 3 students in the period between July and September. Please contact: ricerca.maps@unipd.it. For more information: https://www.maps.unipd.it/en/international-area/student-mobility