Final dissertation

For students enrolled in the 2011/2012 a. y. and subsequent cohorts.

Non-disclosure agreement
The non-disclosure agreement form shall be submitted, upon request of the supervisor, to the department’s secretariat once you have started writing your dissertation or, at the latest, by the application deadline. Click here to download the non-disclosure agreement form.

Graduation Application
In order to submit the graduation application, students are required to follow the online instructions. Click here to download a step-by-step guide to completing the application procedure.

Graduation dates and times
Click here to check graduation dates and times. To access the information concerning the Single-cycle Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine, you can either enter calendario generale (general dissertation timetable) and search for your Degree Programme or click onto LMCU MV.

Supporting documents
Students shall submit their traineeship logbook (including Form D) as soon as they complete their traineeship activities in order for their traineeship ECTS to be registered on Uniweb (the registration is made without the student having to follow the procedure to sign up for exams). All documents shall be submitted to the DPVM Secretary’s office following the instructions and deadlines provided by the secretary’s office itself.
For further information on the Traineeship Programme, please visit[u2] 

Writing and submission of the final dissertation
Students may wish to write and present their final dissertation in a foreign language. In this case, a detailed summary of the main topics covered shall also be submitted in Italian.

Text formatting
Dissertations should be typewritten on A4 (297 x 210 mm) paper and printed double-sided (two pages per sheet). All items must fit within the margins of the page. For the final binding, 10-15 mm margin space shall be allowed for the area of the page that falls within the spine. In any case, it is advisable to check with the bookbinding shop, too. The number of lines per side shall be at least 25, with a minimum of 60 characters per line. A 1.5 line spacing should be applied and the text should be fully justified. Pages shall be numbered with Arabic numerals, which must appear at the bottom centre of the page. Only those pages regarding preliminary components can be numbered separately using Roman numerals. There should be no page number on the title page or any blank page, although a page number should be assigned for numbering purposes.

Printing and binding instructions
For the final copy of your dissertation, laser printing is recommended. Figures and charts should be in colour wherever deemed necessary.There are no specific requirements regarding the colour and material of the cover and binding, except for the archived copy (see below), for which a cardboard cover shall be used.The dissertation coversheet shall contain the details required for the front page (click here to download the cover sheet template).
Students shall print:

  • 1 copy for their supervisor
  • 1 copy for the university archive

A PDF copy of the final dissertation shall be submitted to the Central Library of Agripolis (Pietro Arduino) so that it can be uploaded on Padua@thesis – the online archive where the dissertations of the students of the University of Padova are stored. Even though the above-mentioned procedure is not mandatory, students are strongly recommended to do so. Click here to download the dissertation form to submit a copy of you disseration to the University Library System (SBA).

How to submit the final dissertation
The final dissertation shall be handed to the DPVM secretary’s office at least 14 days before the date on which the discussion is held. Dissertations shall be bound in a cardboard cover.
Students will also have to e-mail a copy of their dissertation to their supervisor.

Instructions for presentation
The dissertation shall be presented using a Power Point file according to the instructions provided by the supervisor. The presentation and discussion of the work should not last more than twenty minutes.
The file with the presentation can be submitted on the day of the discussion on a USB stick. 

Final mark
Final dissertation instructions (approved on 19th January 2016)

Note: The new procedure governing the degree programme, and the related final mark determination, as per the regulation issued on January 19th 2016, applies to the 2014/15 cohort onwards and, as deliberated by the Degree Programme Council on January 19th  2016, to students belonging to either the 2011/12 cohort who enrolled for the first time in Year 5 in the 2015/16 a. y., or subsequent cohorts.