Traineeships for students (curricular internship)

Curricular internships are mandatory for Bachelor's degree programmes and for some Master's programmes.
The internship must be carried out during academic studies and its fulfilment implies the attainment of ECTS.

The period of the internship is spent at companies or public institutions which have subscribed an agreement with the University. Please note that in order to start a traineeship, both the agreement and a training programme are required.

In order to start the internship, you need to have obtained:
- at least 80 ECTS if you are a Bachelor's student / 100 ECTS if you are an Animal Care student
- at least 20 ETCS if you are a Master's degree student and the internship is required by the regulations of your programme.

Before you start your internship, please refer to the following documents:

Specific information for Animal Care students can be found here.



  General security training course on safety in the workplace

Before starting the internship or internship period, each student must carry out a general safety training course (on Moodle) and pass the relative final test. Read the instructions below:

  Starting the internship

In order to start an internship you need a training agreement, a training project and to have passed the general training course on safety in the workplace. Insurance coverage for third party liability and accidents at work (INAIL) is paid by the University.

AGREEMENT: if not yet stipulated, it is up to the host institution: see page dedicated to information for companies

TRAINING PROJECT: it must be completed by the student together with the company tutor within the reserved area of our online platform (instructions can be found in the same reserved area). At least 15 days before the start date, the training project must be sent or delivered to the Career Service office, which will subsequently send it countersigned to the host institution.

  At the end of the internship

Once the Traineeship is concluded,

a) Send via email to and

  1. the Certificate of attendance, correctly completed and electronically signed by the company tutor (ITAversion and ENG version);

  2. the Student’s Assessment on the Traineeship Experience at the Host Organization (TE Assessment).

b) Send the final report on the activity carried out to your University tutor for approval.

c) Once approved, you must upload your report in Moodle. Select the Study Course; identify the useful delivery period for the submission of the report; access "Traineeship Final Report".

d) On the same page select the date and subscribe for the assessment conducted by the Traineeship Evaluation Commission (which contributes to the definition of the Graduation final mark) on the platform Moodle. The dates for the assessment are scheduled within the week before the dates of Uniweb approval of the Traineeship ECTS, and are found on:

e) Register on Uniweb for the registration of the Traineeship ECTS


All the documents must be delivered by the deadlines stated in the Vademecum.

All communications regarding absence, schedules changes, etc, must be emailed by the host companies to the following address:

  Suspending or extending the internship, notifying business trips

All changes on what is established in the training project must be promptly communicated by email to and/or The communication must be signed / sent by the company tutor.